~~grace~~ ~ ~ g r a c e ~ ~

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

what a good weather.
i just came back from my walk under the sun.. well actually went to the bank. anway it's great to see the sun so bright, makes the whole sky and trees and everything look good. started the day well and i'm better than ever.

time to do some recollection.

i attended my first district cg last thu and finally got to see my DL though of course he doesn't know me. it was a good time of pnw, i think the WL is very cute in her own way ><
the teaching on jabez prayer reminded all of us once again. you do not have because you do not ask. yes we can always ask God for blessing. be willing for anything. living large for God. let Him carry you when you can't go on anymore
in summary - do have a breakthrough in prayer-

yingsoon's bday was on fri, so after the district cg yingfang gathered all of us to make a 'fake announcement' to sabo him.. something about restructuring and i could see a lot of question marks and shock on yingsoon's face.. lol.. my poor cl.. i thought all of us were acting extremely lousy considering that we kept on giggling and laughing, it's just amazing that he actually believed.

the real celebration was on sat, after much consideration we ditched the zoo for marina bay instead. well, first we decided to go for a kite, but there's no wind -_- we were literally struggling to fly our 'hamtaro' but i think it's very funny. candice managed to do a good job on it at the end, while the rest (including me) happily eating chips.
next, we went for bowling.. oh yingsoon's 2 friends were there too. i think i played better compared to my previous exp =p
after spending time in arcade for a while, we moved on to this steamboat restaurant (recommended by nicole) for dinner. the place was quite nice, with a very unique toilet. the service was good and we simply loved the mantou. took a lot of pics as well and of course we ended the day with affirmation to our dear leader. yupei made a very nice card on behalf of us, it's amusing to see the edit on it made YS so skinny and alaric so fat. but it was nice, thank God for you yupei =)

sunday. oh we sang brewster's 'amazed' again, i love it ><
thanks to candice, i've finally got myself very nice shawls, my long craving..
we spent the afternoon at istana park rehearsing our snow white skit (give a pat on weiling's shoulders). i have only 4 lines in total and man i am so grateful for it haha.. YS said i was a natural, it didn't take much effort for me to act as sleepy the dwarf since i am constantly sleepy. is that a compliment?
anyway we're left with one more rehearsal tonight before presentation on thu's unit meeting. think again, it is very exciting. no matter what, we'll just do our best and have fun ^^

i spent the latter part of the day at expo, the IT fair. man it was so crowded.. shirls and me saw justin's long lost twin.. the guy had the same build and same curly hair, it's amusing. i said goodbye to the rest earlier and made my way down to germs' place for dinner. i was very late but yet still the first one to reach haha. had a talk with her while waiting for pearls, hannah and joanne. my goodness they bought durian ice cream.
anyway it was a good dinner, very craBBy. pearls was sad due to the lack of fish though, and a debate over the authenticity of the chicken. i had a short talk with pearls as well, she told me somethin that made me can't help but to feel a bit sad thinking about it. another parting. sigh.

today's reflection - praying for others
i want the best for everybody, i want everybody to be happy and doing well. is it possible?

listening >> above all - paul baloche

*livi* 4:08 PM

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Monday, November 28, 2005

He is more than enough, the rest are bonus.

just a thought-
# Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, cause, or idea; loyal.
# Having or full of faith.
# Worthy of trust or belief; reliable.

i think the problem of human, as always, is being faithful.
you have to admit that sometimes it is even hard to remain faithful to God. you may be there but you are not there.
there are always times that we prefer somethin over another thing but after that we prefer another thing over the other thing, before long we prefer yet another thing to all the other things. we are unable to have one favorite cos we always find something better and nicer. our heart and mind and mood and actions change like shifting shadows if i may quote James.
no one escapes from this.. alas.. i'm not.

but yet He remains unchanged.. no matter what, He still wants me, always do.
i will never understand this.

listening >> amazing - paradise live

*livi* 6:21 PM

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Thursday, November 24, 2005

there's always a song for every moment.

lord i come into your presence
i enter in with open arms
come renew my mind my spirit
i will overcome

cos i know it's your touch on my life makes me whole
to feel you near is a longing of my soul

come again saturate all my world
come again to these arms open wide
come again this is my prayer
cos i won't let you pass me by
don't pass me by

come again - paradise community church

aaah someone made me cry again hahah but for good reason. thanks for the 'slap' that woke me up or perhaps just for the ears.
my heart is at peace now, i think i know what to do and where i'm heading to.
the Lord shall not pass me by.

have i been very anti-social nowadays or perhaps i am just lazy, lazy to talk, lazy to go out, lazy to meet people.. unless it's really necessary. i came out from my 'hole' last nite for harry potter. quite a new combo.. me, susi, yupei, gerlyn and alaric. we planned to go to shaw towers, as you all know it's a very big cinema with few ppl. susi insisted on going there early to buy tix just in case it's crowded (which i thought very unlikely), but when she reached there around 5, she gave me a call and told me it's sold out! i was like 'WHAAAT?!? shaw towers?? sold out??' i mean seriously i've never seen such scenario there.. well apparently someone or some organization booked almost the whole theatre -_-
the most unlikely thing has happened BUT thank God for her being there early so she went to suntec immediately and got us decent seats there. at first she was almost sure that the movie outing had to be cancelled and if that happened.. she'd kill me.

for the movie itself, i don't want to comment much. as usual, it's quite a disappointment if you compare it with the book. but for those who never read the books, it is a good movie. oh well~

i got a surprise last nite though, my guardian angel paid for my tix hahah.. well cos my cg is having 'guardian angel' aka barnabas game now so i guess s/he wanted to bless me with free movie. i know there are a lot of dead angels around, but i think everyone must be patient, as long as the deadline is not here, we all will receive something good.. erm hopefully.
anyway all in all it was a great time hanging out. yup. =)

*livi* 10:43 AM

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

please do not worry, i am not not on the road to depression though i admit i have some of the signs.. well.. at times. just think that this is quite a good reading.

If you have been feeling down, or out-of-sorts, your thoughts can easily turn to whether you are depressed or not.

* Exhaustion on waking
* Disrupted sleep, sometimes through upsetting dreams
* Early morning waking and difficulty getting back to sleep
* Doing less of what they used to enjoy
* Difficulty concentrating during the day
* Improved energy as the day goes on
* Anxious worrying and intrusive upsetting thoughts
* Becoming emotional or upset for no particular reason
* Shortness of temper, or irritability

Not all people have all of these, and some have different signs, but if you are depressed, at least some of these will probably ring true with you. The individual signs of depression - the way you feel - are what are used in diagnosing depression. So it's easy to see why there is so much confusion, seeing as the signs are generally common emotions and feelings.

Here are some tips to conquer the melancholy mood and get the most bliss out of your daily activities.

1) Get Enough Light and Sunshine.

Lack of exposure to sunlight is responsible for the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which could trigger a dispirited mood and a lethargic condition. Melatonin is only produced in the dark. It lowers the body temperature and makes you feel sluggish. If you are always cooped up in your room (with the curtains closed), it would be difficult to restrain yourself from staying in bed.

If you can't afford to get some sunshine, you can always lighten up your room with brighter lights. Have lunch outside the office. Take frequent walks instead of driving your car over short distances.

2) Get Busy. Get Inspired.

You'll be more likely to overcome any feeling of depression if you are too busy to notice it. Live a life full of inspired activities. Do the things you love. If you're a little short on cash, you could engage in simple stuffs like taking a leisurely stroll in the park, playing sports, reading books, or engaging in any activity that you have passion for and would love to pursue.

Set a goal - a meaningful purpose in life. No matter how difficult or discouraging life can be, remain firm and have an unshakable belief that you are capable of doing anything you desire. With this kind of positive attitude, you will attain a cheerful disposition to beat the blues.

3) Take a Break.

I mean it. Listen to soothing music. Soak in a nice warm bath. Ask one of your close friends to massage you. Take a break from your stressful workload and spend the day just goofing around. In other words, have fun.

4) Eat Right and Stay Fit.

Avoid foods with lots of sugar, caffeine, or alcohol. Sugar and caffeine may give you a brief moment of energy; but they would later bring about anxiety , tension, and internal problems. Alcohol is a depressant. Many people would drink alcohol to "forget their problems." They're just aggravating their conditions in the process.

Exercising regularly is a vital depression buster because it allows your body to produce more endorphins than usual. Endorphins are sometimes called "the happy chemicals" because of their stress-reducing and happiness-inducing properties.

5) Get a Social Life.

No man is an island. Your circle of friends are there to give you moral support. Spending time and engaging in worthwhile activities with them could give you a very satisfying feeling. Nothing feels better than having group support.

Never underestimate the power of touch. Doesn't it feel so good when someone pats you on the back and gives you words of encouragement during your most challenging times? Hug or embrace someone today. You'll never know when you have saved another life.
Establish close ties with your family and friends. The love and care expressed by others could tremendously boost your immune system and fend off illnesses. Best of all, you'll live a more secured and happy life.

the author should add in one more thing.. spending time with God.


i like this song. another thing to ponder =)

I dreamed I went to Heaven, you were there with me.
We walked upon the streets of gold beside the Crystal Sea.
We heard the angels singing, then someone called your name.
You turned and saw this young man, and he was smiling as he came.

He said, "Friend you may not know me now," and then he said, "But wait -
You used to teach my Sunday School, when I was only eight.
And every week you would say a prayer before the class would start.
And one day when you said that prayer, I asked Jesus in my heart."

Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am so glad you gave.

Then another man stood before you, he said "Remember the time,
A missionary came to your church, his pictures made you cry.
You didn't have much money but you gave it anyway.
Jesus took that gift you gave and that's why I'm here today"

Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am so glad you gave.

One by one they came, far as your eyes could see.
Each life somehow touched by your generosity.
Little things that you had done, sacrifices made,
Unnoticed on the earth, in Heaven now proclaimed.

I know up in Heaven you're not supposed to cry
But I am almost sure there were tears in your eyes
As Jesus took your hand and you stood before the Lord
He said "My child look around you, for great is your reward."

Thank you- Ray Boltz

*livi* 1:09 PM

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Sunday, November 20, 2005

just having my own peaceful time at home now. and in times like these, as usual, i think a lot.
what if i die today? i'm pretty sure that i'll go to heaven but i think i will have lots of regrets here.. things that i have not done, things that i have done. what will happen to the ppl around me? how many lives have i made a difference to? who will i be remembered as? a mentor? a friend? a nobody?
i wanna use my life more as a person that i'm supposed to be, fully. it's wrong to think that we can live another 40-50 years cos the truth is nobody knows.

maybe i got this thought from the movie that i've just watched.. went out with germs after ss, just wanted to catch a movie. the initial plan was to play basketball, but she couldn't get her poly 'gang' haha.. so she suggested ping pong which of course i said no to.. playing chess was out of question.. (she has weird suggestions).. we couldn't hang out at coffee shop due to my abstain from all the sweet stuff.. so guess movie was the only alternative.
we settled on 'just like heaven' cos she doesn't dare to watch emily rose. well it's quite a good show, very sweet romantic comedy.. anyway the whole thing about the main gal being dead just made me ponder about my life now. oh well~

rights.. i deem yesterday as my last day in helping out for service/floor managing (excluding xmas). i don't think i'll come down anymore except for spt. eevoon has done a great job, had a good talk with her yesterday and i really believe she will make a great improvement to the whole team.. from glory to glory.
funny. i feel light. somehow God has finally let me see certain things in a diff way =)

this morning susi woke me up at 630. i find it amazing that we could reach on time for holy com preparation at 730 am considering that's the time i usually wake up. it was great to see some ppl were there even earlier to prepare and pray (the musicians, WL, singers, tech crews, ushers etc) giving up your own comfort and sleep to come so early for God's kingdom, when i saw them i was just thinking.. yes, this is how life is supposed to be. what is 730 am?
i'm inspired to wake up early every sunday, shouldn't be late for prayer meet ><

listening >> (there's gotta be) more to life - stacie orrico

*livi* 7:21 PM

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Saturday, November 19, 2005

i want to go to the sea.
i've finished uploading all the pics back and as i was lookin at them again, it's like a recollection of my recent past. decided to name some of them, just in case i'll forget.. cos the truth is i can barely remember my high school friends now, maybe their faces but not their names.. well except my best friends of course. so there's a high chance that in the future as i see the pics again, i can't remember all these ppl' names. hmm that's sad. ok back to main topic, i miss the sea and the blue sky.. it's been ages. this pic looks nice (ok it's actually joel).. it pictures the joy of being alone at sea, feeling the breeze of wind. i'd have to thank ray for 'introducing' n 'teaching' me this great enjoyment back in poly days. maybe i should take one day off and go for it again. going alone is good for isolation, just me n the sea n the sky.. God's wonderful creation.. a good place to think and a good place to cry.. a good place to be still. but on the other hand going with friends is of course.. fun.

curious.. most of the kayaking pics that i have actually captured us swimming instead of kayaking. i guess it's a 2 in 1 sport =)

listening >> rescue - don moen
I can't be left behind.. this world has nothing for me.

*livi* 12:21 AM

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005


never knew we have this web. good reading. well mostly about giving and recently healing as well.

i just realized yesterday that my pic gallery account has expired, and i need to pay an amount of money to resume it which of course i WON'T so i was left with no choice but to delete the whole account. gosh... all my hard work of uploading those hundreds or maybe even a thousand of photos through out these years just.. gone.
as long as i still have the original copies (which i do) i will slowly upload them back up again, but this time i may be using yahoo photos, not very nice but at least reliable. 'reliable' is the word.
i love my photos collection.. each photo has a story behind it and some felt like yesterday. more photos to come yah.. i'll make sure my life is documented properly =)

i've been sleeping very early these few days (no more 1 am.. 2 am..) but yet i've been having dreams that made me feel distressed. in another word.. nightmares. it's just something that i don't want to see in real life.. but it may happen.
what is a dream actually? my subconscious imagination? things that i think too much before i sleep? God's revelation?

listening >> all i need - vineyard canada
quite a discovery. nice~

*livi* 10:21 PM

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Sunday, November 13, 2005

pure indulgence.

i'm blogging this on behalf of evelyn as well. we were ashamed and amazed on how we spent our afternoon today ><
oh well it started with wenjun asking us out and bao as well for a coffee. so 4 of us went to this bakerZin at city hall. the place is nicely decorated and we managed to get this nice corner seats. so we started with ice choc, passionfruit, mango and peach soda followed by mango mousse, seafood spag (eve's craving), baked apple tart, strawberry fondue, pistachio, banana pizza, strawberry jelly and float island (don't ask me what that is).

pure madness i'd say. well i did not eat any choc thing though it's very tempting (well done livi) but in total we sat for 2 hours and spent $79. no more spending on food from now on ><
financial planning here i come.

anyway once i reached home, i went for a run.. but right before that i could feel water coming out of my nose.. soon i realized that it was not water, it was blood.. -_- hmmm i can't remember the last time i had nose-bleeding, perhaps more than 10 yrs ago? well it was not much so i went ahead with my run, but i lost my breath very very fast, could hardly go on so decided to give up and rested at home instead. sigh.

enough about that. today is the first day of our 40 days fast! this morning ps simon shared about how to keep on keeping on. sounds a bit like my trademark 'keep walking'. never give up on faith and persevere. indeed.

reflection no 6:in what area am i most undisciplined?
i should pray and sleep soon.

*livi* 11:53 PM

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Saturday, November 12, 2005

when the music fades.

finally. a day that i can really rest at home. sometimes you just cannot be too stubborn.

when pearls said "you cannot eat choc... you have sore throat!"
i said "nooo... i am fine now.. let's go choc bar!!"
the result is = 5 cups of super thick dark choc = throat pain + fever + headache

when shirls said "bring your jacket out"
i said "no need la.. lazy.."
the result is = frozen in office = flu + headache again

when my conscience said "you should sleep.. you are sick"
i said "nevermind, let me play a game of dota first"
the result is =

ok i think you all get my point hahaha... oops. anyawy i am fine already, i think the prayer meet last night has healed me more or less (i'm serious).

i met rachel while i was waiting for the bus, it was funny, both of us were like "EH?? EH??" so we took the same bus to TCT. i asked her if it was her own decision to pick up violin since young and she mentioned that actually her parents gave her 2 options of piano and violin, she chose violin due to friends =p
suddenly i remember how my mom gave me and shirls options too when we were young.. piano, ballet or chinese. shirls chose chinese -_- and as the younger sis i was blur and just followed. well if you're wondering why her chinese is still that bad, that's because she stopped halfway. if i can turn back the time, i think i'd have chosen piano hmm oh well nvm, everything's according to His plan.. at least i could reach out and teach all the chinese ppl (last time) and in addition i can read manga in chinese.. ha ha..

anyway the church prayer meet was very good. many were there and i could hear the beautiful sound that comes out from the heart. the lights might be out, the aircon might be off, the music might have stopped, but the worship carried on.. the prayers carried on.

i was just looking through the 40 day guide of breakthrough fasting. i think it's time for me to let go of chocolates. yes. from tmw onwards no more dark choc, no more choc cheesecakes, no more choc ice cream, no more brownies, no more choc in any form.. since i managed to go thru the 40 days without chilli 2 years ago, surely now i can do without choc too. i shall have my breakthrough.
much appreciated if you guys do not purposely tempt me with chocs.. not until xmas.

listening >> turn it around - israel & new breed
aah nice. they never fail to amaze me ^^

reflection no 5:what am i selfish about?

*livi* 3:36 PM

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

just wanna blog this before i sleep ><

after hrmm almost 9 mths, pearl, me and germs finally had our gathering again. the last one was during my bday's small celebration at germs' house, can imagine how long it had been =p
anyway today was to celebrate pearls'.. we met at city hall (both of them were late -_-) and germs refused to do her forfeit as the last person to reach. we walked down to esplanade.. and something really funny happened along the way LOL.. to cut it short.. that incident left us feeling amazed and this sentence will definitely be a very memorable one 'i do not want to have any regret in my life' haha indeed. must grab all opportunities.. and sometimes you just have to be thick-skinned oops i mean courageous =p

i think we kept talking about it whole night.. the dinner was nice (reminds me of chomp2) but the highlight of the day was the max brenner's chocolate bar >< aaah who can resist dark choc? we talked about lots of things (that's what happened when we don't gather that often), from crapping to sharing secrets ^^ and serious stuff like groups, future plans, church issues.. and they reminded me once again that i'm going to turn 24 soon.. thanks ah.. haha..

it's a fruitful night. i think we were really excited for the gathering.. good friends are hard to come by and i cherish you gals a lot ><
happy birthday pearline~

oh and i got a cheesecake when i reached home haha so blessed.

reflection no 4:do i justify certain indulgence?
wah.. i fail this one.. big time..

*livi* 1:26 AM

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Monday, November 07, 2005

When I survey the wondrous cross
on which the Prince of Glory died;
my richest gain I count but loss,
and pour contempt on all my pride.

Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast,
save in the death of Christ, my God;
all the vain things that charm me most,
I sacrifice them to his blood.

See, from his head, his hands, his feet,
sorrow and love flow mingled down.
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
or thorns compose so rich a crown.

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
that were an offering far too small;
love so amazing, so divine,
demands my soul, my life, my all.

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748
Music: Lowell Mason, 1792-1872

aah.. hymns are nice. been listening and loving some of them these past few days. good for personal devotion.

reflection no 3:am i too busy to read God's word daily?

*livi* 4:45 PM

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Sunday, November 06, 2005

there was children dedication in ss today, it was quite amazing. well, i've never seen one before.. when the parents lined up with their babies (and they are very cute haha), i was reminded of my own parents. though they are non believers, they did bring us (me n shirls n my bro) up very well. i think upbringing is very important, never spoil the kids, teach correctly, starting from babies.. they are the future generation, wouldn't want them to grow up as a 'criminal'... of course the word of God must be rooted in them early as well..
oh gosh why am i talking about this? i'm only 23.

ok skip that one, i've been trying to find the singer of this song titled 'that is why':

just to feel Your arms around me
just to know Your grace has found me
just to hear Your voice surround me calling my name

that is why i live
that is why i move
that is why my heart cannot go on without You
that is why i see
that is why i cry
that is why no other love but You will satisfy
that is why

anybody can help me?

reflection no 2:do i have habits that irritate others? (ermm.. no need to answer me)

*livi* 11:35 PM

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Saturday, November 05, 2005

alright. i've been taking a break from blogging indeed, well not intentionally.. was just too busy sleeping and doing some other stuff.. but as we can see, someone has made full use of my blogger account ehem.. maybe i should start from the beginning of the week. here's a quick recap:

hrrmm on monday i boldly asked my boss for 2 days (wed n fri) leave, to officially make this week my break with the 2 public holidays and he allowed it haha.. one week off and it was simply great. sometimes we just need to rest, for the sake of longer road right?
i went to my fave hairstylist at toa payoh after work, he did two-colour highlight for me.. it's amusing to see my hair now.. i guess i just wanted something new (no funny reason) well no matter what ppl say, i do like my new hair =)

tuesday was a happening day! we had sub-D event 'wild wild west' at west coast. there were quite a lot of people, many unfamiliar faces. i didn't know anyone from my team haha so we had a quick intro and just started the game. gosh the first station was a traumatizing one for me, i think i was not fully prepared to climb, swing and jump... how did i manage to finish it? by telling myself 'i can do this' over and over haha..
as we continued on to the next task, i felt much more courageous that i managed to climb that spiderweb thingy all the way to the top, it was so scary man.. actually i still can't believe that i completed that task LOL. the guys were very supportive.. Bien, Duc and Eric.. they really helped us (the gals) a lot. i think we all did a great job, not forgetting the amazing 'ong bak' stunt by Bien ahaaha... (should have added 10 pts for that) well we got the third place ><

it was very fun.. got to know many new friends and i believe there were quite a number of pre-believers as well. must thank Nic and the others for organizing this, i know it's not easy. i hope i can get the photos and post some here..

i reached home feeling half dead (i salute those who still went to geylang for shopping). with my last energy i played a few rounds of mahjong, a glorious one haha.. plus supper at chomp2.. well i could hardly wake up on wed.. my whole body was aching. thank God for the leave.
i hereby declare that wednesday was my shopping day. i went out with shirls to bugis, we bought some gifts, clothes etc etc.. and we watched 'oliver twist'. for more info, you can read shirls' blog but i totally agree that it is a very good movie. i like it A LOT and oliver is such a dear =)
we wrapped the day with a nice dinner.. horror on how much money we spent within 8 hours....

it was not easy to wake up on thursday as well. went to nexus for paradise live concert, a good one indeed, missed some parts though. justin took a lot of pics (refer to his blog) >< to stand and greet ppl with a smile is a joy.


after that we went to this steak restaurant at suntec to celebrate susi's bday (a very early one)
it was great, we took quite a lot of pics, good dinner, good talk. ended the day at starbucks and the mp3 gift had definitely made her day ><
nic almost killed me for not inviting her to this small celebration, i thought wenjun did, and wenjun thought i did.. which turned out that no one did the invitation to her.. hahaah but thank God she found out and joined us after all. anyway i love this pic =p


i woke up very late this morning, thank God for the leave once again. was late for the lunch date (supposedly celebrating reagan's bday) but you know what, reagan himself was very late too -_- anyway we went to eat dimsum hahaa i love dimsum, won't get tired of it, and true enough i ate A LOT.. well it's a buffet anyway.


walked around and round and round.. ok skip all the details.. that's about all. haha man i'm so tired.. i think it's really time to rest.

reflection no 1:what am i grumbling about? (Isa 29:24)

*livi* 1:22 PM

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Friday, November 04, 2005

livi's taking a break from blogging... this is a professional hacker who just managed to break into her account *cues evil laughter* and now i shall wreak havoc...

first up, here's an interpretation of a snapshot at susi's bday dinner

livi: roy, u r as ugly as zhu ba jie... ha ha HA HA!!
roy: ................................................

hmm too lazy to continue... it's interesting enough to have roy killing livi for this

*politely smiles* good night and let's keep this between us =)


livi's bathing and professional hacker is back for episode 2

davin: who looks more like zhu ba jie - roy or me?
livi: that's a tough one......
davin: well? i'm waiting for ur answer
livi: *massages her head*


*livi* 11:59 PM

• • • • •

about me~

livi grace melinda
love everything but durian

any message?~

check this out~

** hope singapore **
** hope premier league **
** online bible **
** reminiscence **

** ps ben
** ps jeff
** eelee
** germs
** jasmine
** junhuang
** junming
** justin
** merv
** shirls
** shuping
** shuz
** weiling


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July 2003
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November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
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